How to work on windows with gradle and WSL (windows bash)

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  • 3 minutes de lecture
Nowadays, it’s quite easy to have access to an embedded linux installation under Windows, allowing to use command line tools (like maven or gradle) right from that terminal. One problem still remains : everything executed inside that local shell installation will have absolute paths, not known by windows. This is going to be problematic when one is willing to use gradle in the terminal and eclipse under windows, as the generated .

Missing pacman keys under ArchLinux/ARM

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  • 2 minutes de lecture
When trying to install a package through pacman and in case of that kind of errors File ... is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature) : 23:31 root@callisto ~# upd :: Synchronizing package databases... core is up to date extra is up to date community is up to date alarm is up to date aur is up to date :: Starting full system upgrade... resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages.

Ad blocking on ASUS routers

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  • 3 minutes de lecture
How to block ads through an ASUS router (with Asus Merlin firmware and AB Solution package)

Commandes ALEXA

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  • 13 minutes de lecture
Liste de la plupart des commandes ALEXA disponibles en français.


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  • 5 minutes de lecture
Aussi incroyable que celà paraisse, afin d’intégrer un (vieux) RFXCOM et les sondes météo associées sur mon système domotique, j’ai dû, en 2017, remettre les mains dans PERL et xPL.

Figeages du daemon Docker

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  • 1 minute de lecture
Manipulations nécessaires pour gérer (sans reboot) le cas où le daemon docker est figé (docker ps sans réponse, alors que docker images par ex. fonctionne toujours).